Regnum Christi is here to accompany you throughout the season of Lent with resources to support you in your journey with Jesus, created by different members of the RC spiritual family.
Lent at the Met with Fr. Jason Smith, LC

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then be ready for volumes of insight! This Lent, Fr. Jason Smith, LC, will take us on a tour through New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) and shares his reflections through a series of videos.
Enhance your Lent with something different this year! Let the Holy Spirit speak to you through Beauty about God’s Truth and Goodness. Check it out.
Journey with a Father’s Heart by Teresa Williams

Pray a novena to St. Joseph
Written by Teresa Williams, CRC, these nine daily meditations will pull text from Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter: Patris Corde (With the Father’s Heart). Each day will include the text, a short meditation, and a prayer. See it Here.
Exodus: Pilgrimage of Freedom with Kathleen Nichols

With music by recording artists Matt Maher, join Consecrated Woman Kathleen Nichols on a virtual pilgrimage of 20 minutes a day.
In this lenten journey of prayer, you will follow the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt, through Sinai, into the desert and into the Holy Land. Sign up here.
Lenten Resolutions with Holly Gustafson

Regnum Christi lay member Holly Gustafson shares her guide to Lenten Resolutions to Make the Most of Your Day. If this isn’t what you’re looking for this Lent, you might try one of these these Lenten themes she has written about in previous years, like:
Lenten Resolutions When You Have Relationships in Need of Healing
Lenten Resolutions for Your Mental Health
Lenten Resolutions to Improve Your Relationship with Food
Lenten Resolutions for Your Marriage
Holly, her husband James, and their five children in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. She received her Masters in Linguistics at the University of Manitoba and now pursues her love of language through her profession as a professor of Linguistics, art, writing, public speaking, and unsolicited grammatical advice. Her favorite show is always the one she’s currently watching, and her favorite saint is always the one she’s currently reading. The best advice she ever received was from her spiritual friend, St. Faustina, who told her that when in doubt, “Always ask Love. It advises best.”
40 Days to Peace & Union with God by Fr. John Bartunek, LC

In the tradition of his popular Bible study devotional The Better Part, Fr. John Bartunek, LC, offers 40 Days to Peace and Union with God, published by Sophia Press. The stirring meditations it contains will guide you in the way of mental prayer—the prayer of the saints.
This practical companion will help you actively engage in mental prayer and cultivate a fruitful friendship with Christ. It will also teach you to rest in God’s love and receive healing, grace, peace, and joy during this sacred season.
As Fr. Bartunek breaks open the Scriptures from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, you will grow in reading, meditating upon, absorbing, and applying the Gospels to your life. These brief, power-packed reflections focus on Lenten themes from true fasting and carrying one’s Cross to overcoming fear and temptation and experiencing renewal. By drawing nearer to God through this prayer experience, He will draw near to you in a more intimate and profound way than ever before.
The Liturgy Day by Day by Fr. Nikola Derpich, LC

The second volume of the Liturgy, Day by Day series gives a homiletic reflection for each day of Lent and for Sunday through Friday of Holy Week to help you better understand Sacred Scripture as it is proclaimed daily in the liturgy and helps us go deeper in the mystery of Christ. From Ash Wednesday to Good Friday the second volume of the Liturgy, Day by Day will take you from the desert to the foot of the Cross on Calvary to witness the depth of Our Lord’s love for you. Now available on Amazon in print and Kindle format.
Lenten Retreat Guides from the RC Spirituality Center

Check out our seven Lenten Retreat Guides for your next gathering! Retreat Guides are easy to use with a group, family, or alone. Each Retreat Guide offers a series of short videos exploring some great topics. Included are questions for reflection or discussion. Invite your friends and dive deep this Lent. See them Here.
Stations of the Cross with the Legionaries of Christ

Join the Legionaries of Christ this lent for the Stations of the Cross. They will be publishing meditations on the Stations every Wednesday and Friday during Lent on their Facebook and Instagram accounts.