Regnum Christi NA


We are women who have received a personal call from Christ to follow him and live totally consecrated to him. And we have said yes. We seek to serve the needs of the world, the Church, and Regnum Christi, particularly in the formation of apostles.

Our mission as Consecrated Women is to make present the mystery of Christ who goes out to meet people in the concrete realities of their lives.

Christ calls us to a deep intimacy with Him. Our mission is that of every baptized person, and the mission of Regnum Christi, lived through our consecration, with a special emphasis on the fact that Christ comes to meet us in the concrete realities of life.

Impelled by the Spirit, we feel sent to live our mission as signs of the Kingdom of Christ in the midst of the world through a deeply evangelical life that prophetically announces God’s word, and serves with humility and mercy.


(Article 2 of our Constitutions):

Making present the mystery of Christ who goes out to meet people in their concrete realities

Signs of
the Kingdom

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Adriana Alvarez

After ten years of discernment, 6 years of temporal vows, Adriana made her definitive yes to God.

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Natalia Santos

Natalia shares about her call to be a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi.

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Ally Wheeler
Ally will be celebrating her 18th anniversary of consecration this coming August.

Christ at the Center 

Our spirituality is Christ-centered and born from an experience of the personal, real, passionate and faithful love of Christ. We fix our gaze upon the heart of Christ the King who came into this earth to establish his Kingdom among all people and in society, revealing the merciful love of his heart to others.


Christ reveals his Heart that burns with love, inviting us to love him and all that he loves. “The love of Christ impels us.” 2 Cor 5:14

We form part of Regnum Christi, and we are a Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right.

We are lay women who make vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

We collaborate to make present the Kingdom of Christ with a spirit of service, humility, and availability.

We live in international  communities.

We seek to serve the needs of the world, the Church, and Regnum Christi, particularly through the formation of apostles.

Areas of Evangelization

We seek to serve the needs of the world, the Church, and Regnum Christi, particularly through the formation of apostles.

Announcing God’s word with our lives, serving others with humility and mercy

In the North American Territory

We have communities in the United States and the Philippines

Our international formation center is in Madrid, Spain

Consecrated women in formation study Theology at the University of San Dámaso, in Madrid

We live in communities in Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dallas, Detroit, Greenville RI, Houston, New Orleans, Washington DC, and Manila, Philippines

We collaborate  with other members of Regnum Christi in our educational, social, apostolic, and missionary work

Consecrated in Formation

Christ at the Center 

Our spirituality is Christ-centered and born from an experience of the personal, real, passionate and faithful love of Christ. We fix our gaze upon the heart of Christ the King who came into this earth to establish his Kingdom among all people and in society, revealing the merciful love of his heart to others.


Christ reveals his Heart that burns with love, inviting us to love him and all that he loves. “The love of Christ impels us.” 2 Cor 5:14


Discernment and formation

Our formation is aimed at transformation in Christ and adequate preparation to be apostles of the new evangelization. It extends throughout our life, becoming a way of living.


Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi carry out academic studies in accordance with the Regnum Christi charism and mission, ensuring a foundation in theology and religious sciences.


Subsequently, each person continues their education and formation through postgraduate studies or other courses in various fields that allow them to respond to the demands of  evangelization in today’s world.


Do you feel called to belong exclusively to Jesus and bring that love to others?

Are you looking to live in community and together evangelize culture?

Do you want to form and accompany others to be Christian leaders? 


You may want to discern your vocation with us. This is a period of personal discernment to get to know the lifestyle, charism and mission of the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi.  In this initial stage, vocational accompaniment is offered through spiritual direction and local vocational retreats. You could also choose to live in a community of Consecrated Women for one or two semesters. Formal discernment within the Society begins by participating in the summer entrance course.

Before making vows
Summer Discernment Course

This is a vocational discernment course that seeks to clarify a possible call from God and to see if one is ready to begin the candidacy. This course usually lasts four to six weeks during the summer.

Before making vows

During these 2 years of our Candidacy program, young women experience the day-to-day living of consecrated life: the living of the evangelical counsels, community life, and mission. This stage gives Candidates time and space to develop a deeper relationship with God, learning more about themselves and this vocation, and to experience our spirituality and way of life. Currently our Candidacy is in Monterrey, Mexico.

Temporary Vows
Period of Studies

Once accepted into the Society, the young woman makes her first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience for three years and officially becomes a Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi. During this period, the Consecrated Women dedicate themselves to study, usually theology, and live in community with others in this stage of formation. It is a time of vocational confirmation prior to the renewal of their temporary vows.

Temporary Vows
Period of Apostolate

In this stage, the Consecrated Woman seeks to integrate the apostolic dimension of her consecration in an environment that allows her to learn and practice how to do apostolate, while continuing to consolidate the other aspects of her call. It is a period to confirm her vocation as a Consecrated Woman in Regnum Christi before making her final vows.

Final Vows

Once the experience of consecrated life has matured, after confirming the call of God and responding with a free yes to the Lord, she asks to be admitted to make final vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in the Society of Apostolic Life of the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi.

Government of the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi in the North American Territory

A government at the service of the mission, constituted by decree of the general director of the Consecrated, Nancy Nohrden, for a period of three years from June 15, 2020.

Kathleen Murphy

Territorial Director

Betty Rivera nació en Monterrey el 12 de abril de 1978 y se consagró el 30 de agosto de 1997. Fue miembro del ECYD y laica del Regnum Christi antes de consagrarse.

Es licenciada en Educación y Desarrollo en la Universidad Anáhuac y en Estudios Religiosos por el Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum. Tiene un Master en Dirección de Centros Educativos por la Universidad Anáhuac y un Master en Teología con enfoque en vida consagrada en Christendom College, en Virginia, Estados Unidos.

Fue directora del ECYD en Rhode Island, México Sur, Michigan y Atlanta. Cuando estuvo en México coordinó la red de clubes del ECYD de niñas. Colaboró en el equipo de la Dirección Territorial de Norteamérica en el área de apostolado y como consejera territorial y en la Secretaría General de las consagradas en Roma. Ha sido directora y subdirectora del colegio Everest de Manila, directora local del Regnum Christi en Filipinas, y directora de la comunidad de consagradas y de la sección de señoras de Regnum Christi de Manila.

Es directora territorial de las Consagradas del Regnum Cristi de España desde el 1 de junio de 2020 por un periodo de tres años. 

Además, es miembro del Colegio Directivo Territorial del Regnum Christi en España junto a los directores territoriales de los Laicos Consagrados y de los Legionarios de Cristo, y los dos laicos que lo asisten (EFRC 92 §1).

Naoise Johnston

First Councilor

Nació en México DF, el 18 de enero de 1983, y se consagró el 22 de agosto de 2001.

Ha sido asistente del centro de formación, en Madrid, miembro del equipo de la secretaría general de las Consagradas del Regnum Christi y de la secretaría territorial en España, directora de sección y asistente para el ECYD de Sevilla, y miembro del equipo de la sección de jóvenes de Regnum Christi en Madrid. Licenciada en Teología por la Universidad San Dámaso, actualmente está preparando su doctorado.

Es directora local del Regnum Christi en Madrid y formó parte del equipo de trabajo del Colegio Directivo Territorial del Regnum Christi como responsable del área de Vida y Misión, desde septiembre 2020 hasta agosto del 2022.


Es consejera territorial de las consagradas del Regnum Christi desde 1 de septiembre de 2018

Mary Smith


Nació en México , el 29 de noviembre 1973 Se consagró el 15 de agosto 1991

Es doctora en Liderazgo y Dirección de Instituciones de Educación Superior por la Universidad Anáhuac (México), Master la dirección Gestión y Evaluación de Centros educativos por la universidad Francisco de vitoria, y master en Ciencias del Matrimonio y la familia por la universidad Lateranense.

Fue subdirectora de Highlands School Sevilla  (1999-2002), de Catholic Youth World Network (2002 – 2009) y directora de Highlands School Los Fresnos (Madrid) (2008-2013).

Actualmente trabaja como profesora en la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria en la Facultad de Educación y forma parte del equipo internacional de coordinación de colegios Regnum Christi.

Es consejera territorial de las consagradas del Regnum Christi de España desde el 15 de junio de 2020

Melanie Zoll


Nació en Austria el 25 de marzo 1969 y se consagró el 08 de septiembre 1987

Ha estudiado  Magisterio en Ciencias religiosas (ISCR Regina Apostolorum), Máster en discernimiento vocacional y acompañamiento Espiritual (Escuela de Formadores de Salamanca) y un Posgrado en Teología espiritual (Avila Institute)


Ha sido miembro del equipo  del ECyD de Santiago de Chile, miembro de quipo directivo del colegio de Viena, formadora del Regnum Christi de señoritas y directora espiritual en diferentes territorios.

Actualmente es formadora del Centro de  formación de Madrid y consejera del centro desde  desde diciembre de 2020.

consejera territorial de las consagradas en España desde  el 19 de octubre 2021

Government of the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi

General and Territorial Assemblies

The General Assembly is a collegiate and representative body. While it is assembled, it is the supreme authority at the general level.

Directors and their councils

  • General Director and Council
  • Territorial Directors and Council
  • Community and Council Directors

Directors of Communities and their councils

Accompany and govern the members of the community regarding their consecration, ongoing integral formation, living out of the charism, and the team life proper to Regnum Christi.

Making present the mystery of Christ who goes out to meet people in their concrete realities

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