Living the vocation to love with the Regnum Christi charism

Regnum Christi offers a pathway, a community, and resources to accompany you as you discern and live the call that God has placed in all of our hearts: the vocation to love.
The Sacrament of Marriage is a concrete way to live the vocation to love. Regnum Christi wants to accompany you as you discern this call, and help prepare you to live it fully through a formation in understanding what true love is in youth, dating, and marriage preparation.
We want you to discover the beauty of your marriage, and to see how Christ is present in it. He is the core of your family, a true domestic Church where the Kingdom of Christ, Jesus himself, is present!
The vocation to love has different stages:
As a child and adolescent:
This is remote preparation for marriage. The first years of life lived within the love of a family, with the sacraments of Christian initiation, are vital. Parents are the primary educators of their children and the way they live married love and family life is what educates them most deeply.
Parents are the first and most important catechists of their children in regard to the beauty of love, marriage, and family life — through religious experiences, family events such as weddings and anniversary celebrations, and fidelity through illness and difficulty., Formation offered by the Church is also a great help in this area.
Being a spouse:
While preparing to live the vocation to love as a spouse, individuals and couples need a roap map to guide them in their formation as they discern and prepare for marriage, as well as a community of other couples with the same call and convictions.
Marriage preparation programs are a vital part of this preparation.
Being a parent:
A new stage in family life.
“Through their union in love, the couple experiences the beauty of fatherhood and motherhood, and shares plans, trials, expectations and concerns; they learn care for one another and mutual forgiveness. In this love, they celebrate their happy moments and support each other in the difficult passages of their life together…” -Pope Francis Amoris Laetitia 88